Area students assist with local food drive
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 11, 2003
Too often we hear only the negative about students today. Sliding test grades, increasing school violence, a what’s-in-it-for-me attitude. All too often the positives &045; and there are many &045; are overlooked.
Well, it’s hard to overlook 1,600 pounds of food. That’s how much food that Martin Middle School students alone collected in November for the Selma Area Food Bank. Buddy Wiltse, executive director of the food bank, has been busy making stops at 31 city, county and private schools who have been collecting food.
The need is pressing.
In recent weeks the food bank nearly ran out of food. Many Selma and Dallas County residents depend on the food bank for help in making ends meet. No one should have to go hungry.
Each November, area students step up to do their part. At Martin Middle, students have been collecting food almost since the start of school.
Faye Rainey, a language arts teacher at the school, points out that participation in the food drive provides students with a number of positive benefits. Reaching out and being able to help others is an important lesson to learn at any time. It is good that the students are learning that lesson early on. It is one we would all do well to remember.
Wiltse couldn’t agree more.
We heartily concur.
And we offer our congratulations to everyone who participated.