Confederate flag represents America
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 16, 2006
To the Editor:
The Confederate flag represents Limited Constitutional Federal Government, States Rights, resistance to tyranny and Christian values and principles.
Thus it represents the same principles as the Betsy Ross U.S. flag – the principles America was founded upon. As America experiments with globalism, socialism
and secular humanism it is important for
patriotic Americans to fly the Confederate flag as a reminder of these basic principles.
America has two choices – 1) Reclaim our heritage or 2) we will eventually surrender our Constitution and Sovereignty to the New World Order – a Godless Socialist United Nations.
Many black Americans have been indoctrinated by Northern Liberal Marxist Socialists to view the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism and bigotry.
They are being used and manipulated for political purposes to assist in the conversion of America to socialism and secular humanism. The infamous Communist Karl Marx said, “A people separated from their heritage are easily persuaded.”
This is the real reason they want to destroy and ban Confederate heritage and symbols which are 180 degrees diametrically opposed to socialism and secular humanism.
White Southern Christians who fly the Confederate flag are not the enemy of black Americans. It is true that KKK and other groups have misused, misrepresented and abused the Confederate flag but this should not invalidate the true meaning of this honorable flag in the minds of educated knowledgeable Americans.
James W. King
Albany, Ga.