Encourages voters to ask questions and look beyond surface when considering candidates
Published 12:00 am Monday, May 12, 2008
Dear editor,
In a few months, as we move towards our next city elections, some of our citizens will be asking for your vote.
It is my prayer that we start now, looking at our current leaders to determine who should remain in their positions, and who should be replaced.
Selma needs people who will do what&8217;s best for our city and not themselves. We need people who will not allow their personal baggage and agenda enter into their decisions.
We all know that a divided community cannot progress. Therefore, we need candidates who have the ability to unite this city. They must have vision and the abiity to make the citizens a part of that vision. They must also be open and willing to seek input from the citizens on any and all issues that affect their daily lives.
If these candidates cannot convince you that they have these qualities, even if they are your friends, you should not vote for them.
The welfare of our city is more than who&8217;s our friend. We must be very selective as to who we elect to lead our city for the next four years. Selma could become one of the most progressive cities in the state of Alabama. We need leaders who can think at that level.
Joe Bumbrey
Recalls winning Selma High ladies basketball season and hails coach&8217;s leadership of girls
Dear editor,
What a year in sports we had in Selma this season.
Anthony Harris, head coach of the Selma High Lady Saints, posted the best girls record in 6A basketball (32-1) in the history of the state.
Since leading the team to the Final Four, two times in the past five years, basketball is not his first priority.
The Lady Saints have a 100 percent graduation rate and a grade point average of 3.5.
Coach Harris also has been selected to coach in the North-South All-Star game July 17 in Huntsville.
Thank you, coach, for brining the Pride back to Selma High School.
Also, my hat goes off to Meadowview Christian head football coach Rick Jackson, who lead his team to the state championship game. I just had the pleasure of meeting coach Jackson this season, and I was really impressed.
Also, thanks to the fans of Meadowview. You all are definitely a class act.
Bruce L. Holmes Sr.