Help is there for the asking

Published 1:07 am Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dear editor,

In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Week, which is Sept. 6-12, I would like to use this time to encourage the public to learn more about suicide and ways to prevent it.

Suicide is a national health problem that takes an enormous toll on families, friends, co-workers, schools, and the entire community.  Sadly, every minute of every day, someone attempts to take their own life and every 16 minutes someone dies by suicide.

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We need to know more about suicide and ways to prevent.  We also need to help those left behind, the survivors of suicide loss.

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or just needs to talk, help is available by calling 800-273-TALK.

Three upcoming events will be taking place in Alabama this fall that will raise funds to support national and local suicide prevention research and education programs.  The American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will conduct 3 Out of the Darkness Community Walks to raise much needed funds for research and education.  To learn more about events, please visit

Brooke Buster Glennon

Secretary of Board

Alabama Chapter

American Foundation for

Suicide Prevention