Help keep jobs in the area
Published 12:26 am Thursday, October 8, 2009
We need the Southern Alabama Renewal Community continued. It’s in the hands of our national lawmakers right now.
On Wednesday, Carl Barranco, the secretary and treasurer of American Apparel, made an eloquent plea to the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures to continue this credit for the sake of employees and businesses in this, one of the poorest regions in Alabama.
The hearing focused on revitalizing distressed communities across the country, not just this state.
But it is this area that most concerns us.
In his plea, Barranco pointed out how the program has worked for American Apparel. The company has invested in the region and created jobs because of the incentives provided by the Southern Alabama Renewal Community.
Congressman Artur Davis, D-Birmingham, is the lead sponsor of H.R. 1677, the Empowerment Zone, Renewal Community and Enterprise Community Enhancement Act of 2009. This legislation refines and extends the important economic development incentives provided to communities like ours for five years.
Davis understands the needs in this region. That is clear. He needs our support and endorsement for this legislation. Call his office. Ask what you can do to help to preserve jobs in this region. Call key legislators and let them know how badly we need these incentives to provide jobs and benefits for our people of the Black Belt.