League welcomes new members
Published 8:26 pm Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ladies of the Selma Charity League are all about volunteering in the community.
But on Tuesday night, the ladies of the League gathered for the annual Spring Fling to welcome the incoming provisional class and honor the outgoing president, Jana Garner.
“They just completed the provisional course, and this is their first official welcome to the Charity League,” said Beth Pearce, parliamentarian.
The course entailed a one-week course in which members learn the history of the Charity League and service projects.
“The reason it’s important for them to learn that in a week is so that they can understand what we do in the League,” Pearce said. “Then they can decide which projects they want to serve on and decide what would fit them best.”
Provisional class members are Kate Barton, Kennedy Bergeron, Mary Susan Crovato, Stephanie Herrod, Karen Holley, Candace Johnson, Beverly Morgan, Ivie Roberts, Christy Smitherman, Mary Elizabeth Switzer and Renee Wilkerson.
All provisional class ladies will become active members in September.
Garner feels her strongest contribution to the League is involving other charitable organizations with monthly meetings.
“We would raise donations, we would volunteer for their projects or we would bring items that they needed,” Garner said. “Partnering with other charitable organizations in our community is one of the things I think we enjoyed most this year.”
Incoming President Sarah Youngblood plans to continue the success of the League.
“I’m definitely looking to continue the monthly donations, just to bring us to where we are able to have more volunteerism in the community and look for more ways to become involved,” Youngblood said.
The League volunteers with local elementary schools, assisted living centers, Habitat for Humanity, SABRA Sanctuary, The Journey School, Salvation Army and many other organizations.