Was Obama’s oath serious?

Published 10:01 am Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear editor,

What is below is a statement I’d like to make to our current president regarding my opinion on his ability to lead our nation.

Dear President Obama:

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The purpose of this letter is to call into question your true attitude and feelings about the faith-based principles on which our great nation was declared independent from England by our Founding Fathers. Of course, we are all familiar with The Declaration of Independence, that great document that was signed on July 4, 1776.

As you may remember, that wonderful document refers to “all men being created equal” and our “being endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

On your inauguration day you placed your hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America — so help you God. Although you placed your hand on the “Good Book,” swearing to uphold the Constitution, asking for God’s help, I am suggesting that you did not take your oath seriously.

As a result, my personal opinion is that you have inflicted great damage on our country during your first 18 months in office, ramming bills through Congress and going against the will of the majority of America’s citizens.

Also, you have done nothing to quell the constant attacks perpetrated by the American Civil Liberties Union and what I consider other anti-religion organizations who are trying to take God and Christianity out of America.

I hope you remember that the first two amendments of the Constitution deal with freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. Of course, you know that the attacks on the Judeo-Christian religions by liberal organizations and politicians have nothing to do with what is spelled out in the First Amendment. After all, you profess to be a dedicated Christian.

As I see all the time, God and Christian references and symbols are under constant attack under the guise of the separation of church and state argument. Don’t you understand that the “freedom of religion” proclamation found in the First Amendment of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights refers only to a state-run religion? This was the case with the oppressive Church of England in the 18th century.

In my opinion, most Christians believe that the “separation” argument has nothing to do with any displays or expressions of religious faith such as we see during the Christmas and Easter seasons, but you and your predecessors have allowed this despicable practice to continue each year.

In your travels last year you proclaimed before an audience of Muslims in Turkey that “America is no longer a Christian Nation.” Why would you say such a thing? Most surveys show that 75 percent of Americans continue to profess to be Christian, as you have done.

Many of us are aware of your close 20-year association with your pastor Jeremiah Wright. Wright is the so-called “man of God” who called on his congregation to sing “God damn America” rather than “God Bless America.” He has said that America is at fault for bringing on the 9/11attacks. This is your pastor, the one who married you, and Michelle, baptized your two daughters and takes credit for the title of your book, “The Audacity of Hope.”

As you must know, far left judges are ordering the Ten Commandments out of courthouses, although a sculpture of Moses and the Ten Commandments appear in the Supreme Court over the east portico. Why would you, our leader, allow this to happen?

A battle to remove “In God we trust” from U.S. currency is under way in our courts. Why don’t you stand and stop such an outrageous movement by the super-liberals? Is it because you support those who are trying to destroy our Judeo-Christian practices in America?

School prayers are no longer allowed in many public schools along with the Pledge of Allegiance as well as the Lord’s Prayer being recited in school athletic teams’ prayers before games.

As our nation’s leader and the man of God you are, along with your profound belief in Jesus Christ as your savior, it’s time for you to show some leadership in terms of putting God and Christianity back in to America.

Byrd Looper
