We are all in the same boat

Published 1:31 am Tuesday, October 26, 2010

With exactly one week until the general election, there are many who are anxiously awaiting what will become of Dallas County and the great state of Alabama. Over the past few months there have been attempts to separate candidates and supporters by placing them in different camps or boats. However, the reality is that we are all in the same boat. If there are any holes in the boat, we all take on water. So in order to keep our boat from sinking we must work together to patch the holes from wear and tear. There are those on the boat who will attempt to find fault with and pass blame on everyone else. Yet, the most dangerous overlook is to ignore the life cycle of the economy. Many are wondering what will become of our great county and state. The answer is obvious.

Fall slowly crescendos into winter and soon spring follows the winter chill. After a beautiful spring, comes a warm summer. Night follows day and if it rains, the sun is sure to shine again. For many, it has been dreadful over these last three to four years, but I am confident that after recession, expansion must come. I believe that we are on the verge of witnessing a turnaround in our county and state. We will not remain in our current condition. We are Dallas County and there are no opposing winds strong enough to hold us back. On the other hand, the wind of economic change is blowing and as it does our boat sits in the midst of the sea undecided between two different courses. The course that we will take will be determined at the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

The winds cannot determine our course and we cannot determine the course of the wind. However, we play a major role in what direction we allow the wind to take us. Ultimately, the setting of the sails will lead us on a course of prosperity. Individuals possessing a common will to work together will establish the future success of our county. Let’s channel the energy that we have expelled in bringing the sail down to raising it to its full capacity so that we can catch the full force of the wind. I know that the wind is boisterous and our boat may be small, but the size of the boat does not determine the course of Dallas County, it is the setting of the sail. We need everyone to go to the polls on Election Day to help raise and set the sail of ourå boat.

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Darrio Melton is the state representative-elect for Dallas County.