Commission seeks cheaper contract

Published 11:51 pm Monday, November 8, 2010

Dallas county officials will negotiate with the lowest bidder on a construction price for the expansion of the Juvenile Detention Center.

The bids opened last week all came in above the county’s projected expense of $250,000. Plans call for the center to expand bed space by four more beds and construct a gymnasium.

CRL Construction, owned by Randy Lovelady, came in as the lowest bidder, but was still too high for the county.

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“I think we can talk and get it within budget,” said Dallas County Probate Judge Kim Ballard.

Commissioners voted during their regular meeting Monday to allow Ballard and other negotiate a price with Lovelady.

Increases in the original plan were caused by having to raise the gym’s roof from about 10 feet to 20 feet. In the detention facility, security equipment also pushed over the price tag, according to Ballard.

County records show about six other counties bring juveniles to Dallas County to hold them. Those counties pay about $18,000 per year.

“We are about to get two other counties now,” Ballard added.

The detention center opened in August 2008. Capacity of the present center is eight females and 12 males. This is one of 12 detention centers in the state.