Doctor will need help to heal wounds

Published 12:44 am Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pandemonium filled the hearts of those whose daily life was suddenly interrupted by unexpected sirens that saturated what appeared to be a peaceful atmosphere. Some pulled over on the side of the road wondering what had happened. Others, who were in the kitchen preparing for the family meal, anxiously ran to the front screen door. Around the corner in the barbershop, the familiar amusing conversation suddenly came to a halt.

During those moments you run as fast as you can to reach the injured but the faster you run the slower your pace becomes. You feel helpless because although you are trying with all your strength, it is to no avail.

Many Democrats feel this sentiment after a long campaign season. It was last Tuesday’s election results that shook the political fabric of America including Alabama. Alabama voters went to the polls in droves and spoke loudly and clearly that we are in dire need of a doctor, Gov.-elect Dr. Robert Bentley.

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When we are sick, the first person we visit is the doctor.

Sometimes the primary doctor has to make referrals to specialists or consult a team of healthcare providers in order to address some underlying problems that a patient may be experiencing. There are other issues, such as lingering high rates of unemployment, that are transpiring in our county and state that have a tremendous impact on healthcare coverage. In order to address this issue it is going to take more than a doctor, we need an entire medical team who can offer input from various perspectives. The more eyes we have looking at a particular problem, the more we can bring to the table on how to treat the condition.

With a feeble and fragile economy, thousands are in need of healthcare and the education budget is in need of a boost; it is going to take more than a doctor. We need everyone at the table, doctors, nurses, phlebotomists, radiologists, administration, etc. The doctor may make the final decision, but it is the responsibility of the team to recommend the best treatment. Our governor-elect said on election night that he wants to be the governor for all of Alabama. In order to do so, Democrats and Republicans must work together for the common good of all Alabamians.