Classic lived up to its name

Published 11:34 pm Saturday, November 20, 2010

There’s something about the game of golf that makes charitable men and women of us all. There’s the self-imposed penalties and honor system of rules, the cordial handshake at the end regardless of who won and the politeness of being quiet while the other player — or players — take their shot.

But, when the opportunity to be charitable marries up to the chance to be out of the office for most — if not — all of the day, then we become much more giving.

Such was the case this week when I — and more than 100 other golfers (and I use that term loosely) — participated in the first Mayor’s Charity Golf Classic at Valley Grande Golf Course.

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Selma Mayor George Evans, Valley Grande Mayor Tom Lee and Dallas County Probate Judge Kim Ballard, organized the tournament, which was aimed at helping special needs children throughout Selma and Dallas County.

Add to the golf, the chance to be out of the office for most of the day and the opportunity to help those among us with special needs, a dose of unbelievable weather and a well-organized event, and you have an event that could not have asked for a better beginning.

Evans, Lee and Ballard — along with an organizing committee and dozens of volunteers and corporate sponsors — should be complimented for their efforts and thanked for dreaming up and pulling off such a great event.

For those of us at the Times-Journal who braved the intrepid 70-degree, sunny weather and proceeded to finish second from last, it was time well spent and money well invested.

And, considering the common formula that a person’s ability on the golf course is directly proportional to how much time they spend working, then I and others on the Times-Journal’s team are spending far too much time at work.

Congratulations again to those involved in planning this great event and we can’t wait until next year. We won’t be any better at playing golf, but we’re going to show up nonetheless.