Dear Santa….24 points??!!

Published 8:04 pm Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Santa, I have been a very good boy this year. So tell me, why didn’t that 24-point lead hold up?

I mean, throughout the first half of the Iron Bowl it looked like all of my good deeds and 12 months of walking the line had paid off. Then, bam! A one-point loss!

Well, enough about that. What I really want for Christmas is a new kayak so I can take full advantage of the Cahaba River now that I am here.

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I know you won’t leave me hanging this time.

I mean, 24 points? Come on big man!

Sorry, I got a little off track there. My second request is for a trophy buck to wander into my general area sometime during the holidays. I understand this is a bit of a conflict of interest for you what with Rudolph and the others playing such a large role in delivering toys.

It’s not that I don’t respect the job they do, but just between you and me those critters are mighty tasty when they’re not pulling a sleigh.

Let’s be honest here buddy, you owe me. I went out of my way to help justice prevail and spread sunshine every day for a solid year. It’s time to cash in.

You couldn’t just take one of those crucial turnovers away? As far as I know the NCAA has no rules that target elfin magic.You wear red every day for crying out loud!

Sorry, sorry. I’m getting off topic again. Let’s get back to what’s important.

My final request is for everyone out there to have the best Christmas ever. Great gifts never hurt, but what really makes this season memorable is seeing friends and family members you don’t get to visit every day.

There is something about the holidays that can make us put aside our differences and be a happy family.This is the season of giving and many of us will give our best effort to be patient in order to preserve a festive celebration. That’s what Christmas is all about.

And while we are discussing the season of giving, how about giving Cam Newton a pro contract and finding Gus Malzahn a head coaching gig?

Thanks again Santa, from the No. 1 Bama crybaby, Rick Couch.