City of Selma Council Agenda for Tuesday, Jan. 11, meeting

Published 10:55 am Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here is the agenda for the regularly scheduled meeting of the Selma City Council, which begins at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 11, in council chambers at City Hall: (the STJ will be live blogging the meeting at

Call to Order

Invocation – Reverend Tony C. Scott, Pastor, Brown Chapel AME Church

Email newsletter signup

Pledge of allegiance

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes – November 23, 2010 – Regular Meeting

Citizens’ Request to the Council (3-5 minutes each)

Rev. Lee Green – Re: Taekwondo Tournament

Attorney Faya Rose Touré – Re: Update on past requests, arrest procedures for defenders with children and nonsense pants law

Mrs. Rae Roth – Re: Selma Community Concert Association

Ms. Towanda Jones – Re: Cedar Park Elementary School

Mr. Buddy Swift – Re: Old YMCA building being declared a public nuisance

Mr. Jerold Murphy – Re: Back-to-School Event

Mayor’s Report

Attorney’s Report

Business Items

I. Noise Ordinance (Council President Cecil Williamson)

II. Plaque commemorating Benjamin Sterling Turner (Councilwoman Susan Keith)

III. Playground rehab (Councilwoman Dr. Monica Newton)

IV. Landfill project (Councilwoman Dr. Monica Newton)

V. Municipal Improvement Act (Councilwoman Dr. Monica Newton)

VI. Ward 4 Quarterly meeting (Councilwoman Angela Benjamin)

VII. Planning Committee Training “Turning the Tide on Youth Violence” January 31 (Councilwoman Angela Benjamin)

VIII. End-of-Year Celebration and 3rd Annual City of Selma Youth Conference (Councilwoman Angela Benjamin)

IX. Ward 4 Community Development (Councilwoman Angela Benjamin)

X. Closing remarks by each council member (2 minutes limits)

XI. Declaring vacancy in Ward 3

Standing Committee Reports

Recreation — Councilman Benny Tucker, chairperson

Administrative — Councilman Corey Bowie, chairperson

Public Safety — Councilwoman Dr. Monica Newton, chairperson

Community Development — Councilwoman Susan Keith, chairperson

Public Works/General Services — Councilman Samuel Randolph, chairperson

Discretionary — Council President Dr. Cecil Williamson, chairperson

Children & Families — Councilwoman Angela Benjamin, chairperson

Selma-Dallas Youth Ambassadors — Councilwoman Bennie Ruth Crenshaw, chairperson