Will you be forced to purchase insurance? Another federal judge says no

Published 3:25 pm Monday, January 31, 2011

“The Hill” is reporting this afternoon (Monday) that a federal judge in Florida struck down the entire healthcare reform law, ruling the requirement for individuals to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

Because the requirement stands at the center of the law, and all the other provisions depend on the mandate for individuals to purchase insurance, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson says the entire law cannot stand.

Vinson is the second judge in as many months to rule against the individual purchase. Under the reform law, a person must buy health coverage or face a penalty.

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The rulings in these cases seem to fall along party lines.

Vinson and U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, both who have ruled against the healthcare reform law are Republicans.

Two judges who have ruled for it were appointed to the bench during the Bill Clinton administration.

The first ruling against the law came out of Virginia. The Obama administration has filed an appeal with the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. A hearing is expected in early May.

Two weeks ago, the Republican-controlled House and three Democrats voted to repeal the law. Most agree the Senate Democrats have enough strength to block a vote from coming to the floor.