Relay goals lofty, but achievable

Published 10:21 pm Saturday, February 12, 2011

There is rarely a cause that just about every single one of us can support. It seems there is always someone who is opposed to something, someone or some cause.

But, when it comes to the fight against cancer, there is not anyone I can find who would let’s say side with the disease.

As the newspaper said in an editorial earlier this week, cancer is one of the few things in life that knows no bias. It attacks equally.

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It attacks blacks, whites, Hispanics, leprechauns, unicorns and trolls without looking at the color of skin, educational background of financial standing.

True, there are factors that make a person more susceptible, but cancer is an equal-opportunity villain and one that takes a unified response to beat.

So, that is why I have always been a strong supporter of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life events no matter where I’ve called home.

From Clanton to Frisco, Texas, from Alexander City to Suffolk, Va., I have done everything I could, and have offered the support of the newspaper, to raise as much money possible to go to cancer research and one day find a cure for all types of cancer.

Next week, you will see the start of a series of newspaper articles featuring local cancer survivors telling their stories. The stories on how they confronted the disease and how they ultimately won.

There will also be stories of families affected by the loss of someone to cancer and how they have dedicated their lives in finding a cure.

For those who have never attended a Relay for Life, you are missing out. The celebration of those who have fought and won is amazing. And the sadness of those who are there to remember those they’ve lost is humbling.

The annual Relay for Life, which is scheduled for Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30 at Memorial Stadium, is not a simple one-day event.

It is a program whose work has begun weeks in advance with teams raising money.

It is my hope this year’s Relay achieves the lofty $100,000 goal set. But, it is my prayer that the money raised this year is the money needed to put our fight against cancer fight over the top.