Fatherhood an educational experience

Published 12:06 pm Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It has been exactly six years ago to the day that it all began. There has never been a day under the sun like it since. On that day, my life changed forever! With great anticipation, I didn’t exactly know what to expect. But I knew that I was being trusted with a precious and valuable gift. On Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005, I became the father of an 8 lb. 10 oz. little boy who we named after me. I feel that I have obtained many accomplishments; however, becoming a father has far exceeded them all.

As we all know, children do not come with an instruction manual. So, I wondered how I would be able to make a lasting impact in order to shape and mold my son into a responsible man. After a few years of being a father, I think that instructions would actually take away from those spontaneous and creative moments that we share with our children. As parents, we have all had those moments when our child amazingly does something out of the blue that just warms our hearts. I stand in awe of the creativity of a young child. I am intrigued of why they think the way they do and the conclusions that they make. Even as I write this column, my son is amazing me with his creativity. I live for moments like this!

All children are born with creative and imaginative minds. However, as our children grow, the world seems to stifle their imagination. Creativity is labeled as immature or childish when in fact, children give us a fresh outlook on life. Notice how a grandparent’s eyes light up as they talk about their grandchildren. It is through their grandchildren that life becomes even more precious. If you have taken the time to observe the interaction between a grandparent and their grandchild, grandparents seem to allow children to get away with a lot. I am learning that the reason behind this may be due to the grandparent being reminded of their own child at that age and how quickly they grow up.

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Through my few years of being a father, I have learned that it is imperative that we spend time with our children to mold them into the productive and creative people that we expect them to be. Although children don’t come with instructions, every child requires love, patience, correction, and quality time. If these are not given, the child is left vulnerable to the dangers of our society. We must instill confidence in our children that they are good enough, smart enough, and have the ability and creativity to do whatever they put their minds to. A book of instructions would be so boring, so predictable. I have come to the conclusion, that spending time with my child has had an impact on me as well as on my son. I am his hero and he’s my biggest fan and although I am teaching him, he has definitely taught me.

So when I’m 100 years old and nearing the end of my years, my greatest accomplishment will still be becoming Darrio’s father.