Leave fireworks to the experts

Published 7:56 pm Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Fourth of July holiday often triggers people to stock up on enough fireworks to launch a small Space Shuttle.

While backyard fireworks displays are fun, they are also extremely dangerous. This year, I have a suggestion for those who like to see the pretty colors that come with a fireworks display. Load up the family, pack some snacks and drinks, and head over to the Valley Grande or Bloch Park fireworks displays.

Let’s leave the pyrotechnics to the experts this year to ensure everyone has a safe, happy Fourth of July.

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In the Black Belt, we are in the midst of a drought.

Don’t let the rains that have fallen this week fool you.

The ground is still very dry, and it will take more than a few showers to make a difference.

Before you purchase a truckload of fireworks for your own personal celebration, please remember that the first word in fireworks is fire.

That’s exactly what you run the risk of if a single stray spark lands in a hay field or dry patch of grass.

This is especially true for rural areas where response times for volunteer fire departments might not be the same as those in a large city.

Fires can spread quickly, especially in dry grass or in pastures. It doesn’t take long for an entire farm, home or neighborhood to feel the effects of what began as a small grass fire.

Even the most experienced handler of fireworks can have accidents. You can’t control where sparks are going to land, or whether they will burn out before hitting the ground.

The risks of presenting your own fireworks show are great. And, if you live within city limits, these shows are illegal.

Avoiding fires, fines and possibly time in jail are all great reasons to support the fireworks shows that will be on display in Selma and Valley Grande.

So pack up your picnic baskets, load up your coolers and grab some lawn chairs when the holiday weekend rolls around.

It’s the best way to enjoy a fun, safe, worry-free holiday weekend.