Next: Life after postal service

Published 12:12 am Sunday, July 17, 2011

After 40 years as a rural mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service in Sardis, Pleasant Hill resident and farmer Teddy Pouncey will retire at the end of July. -- Desiree Taylor

Saddling up one of his robust and sturdy horses on his more than 135-acre farm, Montgomery native Teddy Pouncey deems himself the ultimate country boy.

“I’ve been farming since I was 18,” Pouncey said. “I have cattle and registered McCurdy Plantation horses. I would help my granddad on his farm and after he died, and I helped my grandmother with the family farm.”

Spending a large part of his life in Pleasant Hill, in the fall of 1972, Pouncey’s interest turned to mail carrying for the U.S. Postal Service in Sardis.

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“I was always fascinated with the job, and I felt like it would be good security and benefits; it was always something I wanted to do,” Pouncey said. “I was full time by 1979.”

Five days a week, the passionate and dedicated rural mail carrier makes stops to nearly 450 mailboxes on his 128-mile long route. For the most part, Pouncey said, his job isn’t boring.

“I’m an early bird — I can’t sleep in,” Pouncey said. “I want to be a service to people, and I want to do my job justice. I was taught to work hard, do what I got to do and not complain. I try to put in 100 percent.

“I had the same route everyday and I made a lot of friends on my route,” Pouncey said. “I enjoyed the people, and I knew a lot of people personally.”

Pouncey said he’s worked 20 years without taking any sick leave and has driven more than one million miles without any accidents. After 40 years of faithful service, Pouncey will retire July 29.

“I felt like it was time to do things I wanted to do but couldn’t,” Pouncey said. “I have plenty to do, and I will probably work harder after my retirement than I do now.”

Pouncey wants to return back to his country roots, where cows graze and he and his wife Cullie, can feel constant wind embrace their faces and stroke their backs, as equestrians.

“I want to put more time on the farm and me and my wife … want to take riding trips,” Pouncey said. “I want to do some hunting and fishing. I love the country.”

With all of the accolades and relationships made, Pouncey said he’ll miss the job he’s known for the majority of his life.

“I will miss the interaction with customers I delivered mail to most,” he said.