Pick up the phone and get involved

Published 10:17 pm Saturday, October 29, 2011

Arson, theft, trash on public property and code enforcement were all listed as concerns for those who attended Thursday night’s public safety meeting hosted by Selma City Councilman Corey Bowie. And, until people step forward to lend local leaders and law enforcement a hand, concerns are all they will be.

The idea of the meeting, is to encourage residents to serve as the city and police department’s eye on the street to bring some of these problems to an end. Helping out, Selma Chief of Police William T. Riley said, can be as easy as picking up the phone.

As District Attorney Michael Jackson said, communication is the key to solving many of Selma’s problems.

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If you see something strange in your neighborhood, pick up the phone and call the police. So many witnesses remain silent because they do not want to get involved, and this only lets crime grow and flourish.

Do not be afraid to open the lines of communication and pick up the phone. It’s the first step in taking our community back.