Golden Essence offers holiday meal

Published 9:46 pm Friday, December 9, 2011

The Golden Essence Senior Citizens and Church Women United (Selma Unit) will treat themselves for the holidays with a special meal Saturday. Delores Brown, Selena Simmons and Henry Minter were hard at work Friday getting everything in place. -- Desiree Taylor

During the holiday season commercials geared toward young couples and children are the norm, often leaving seniors out of the equation. One local organization plans to show area seniors some love and fill their tummies at the same time.

The Golden Essence Senior Citizens and Church Women United (Selma Unit) will hold a Christmas Brunch Saturday at 3 p.m. inside Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church’s fellowship hall, located at 1548 LeGrande St.

Golden Essence Senior Citizens president and founder Delores Brown-Hunder said the annual event, in its third year, is a gift to seniors.

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“We grandparents are so busy trying to give our grandchildren and children something for Christmas that we neglect ourselves,” Hunder said. “Why not treat yourself? We’ll give them a treat …”

The free event will also include a Christmas present giveaway with gifts donated from local businesses.

“The gifts are things seniors will enjoy,” Hunder said. “The merchants I went to in the area — everyone gave me a gift knowing I was going to give it to a senior. There will be goodies given away … we’ll start with the oldest senior first.”

Group member Selena Simmons, chose to help with the event because she supports the area seniors.

“I am a senior citizen and I love working with senior citizens,” Simmons said, who will also help cook for the event.

With a menu to include cornbread, black-eyed peas, smoked neck bones, fruit and dessert, Hunder said she expects a great crowd.

“We have 30 for sure,” Hunder said. “We’re looking to serve approximately 40 to 50 people. I’ve been able to collect monies to pay for the food that will be served. The idea is to get the hot meal and enjoy it … it’s an open meal, we invite the community … come out and have a good appetite.”

Hunder, who said her pastor supports the event 100 percent, said she wants area seniors to know they are loved.

“Our church is in the community and we care about you,” Hunder said.

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