Endorsements: Ballard, Jones, Williams earn another term

Published 12:56 am Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In the race for Dallas County Probate Judge, The Selma Times-Journal endorses current Probate Judge, Kim Ballard. Under Ballard’s watch Dallas County has navigated one of the worst economies in a generation without county employee layoffs or reductions in services to the people of Dallas County.

As chairman of the Dallas County Commission, he’s also maintained good relationships with the county commissioners, thus avoiding the theatrics we’ve seen in other public bodies. In short, the current commission and Ballard have maintained a sense of professionalism that professionally represents the people of Dallas County.

Another factor in our endorsement is the excellent financial condition Ballard and the commission has been able to maintain, with the only debt service the county currently services being on the expanded juvenile detention center. And since Dallas County has contracts with seven other counties to house their juvenile offenders here, the debt becomes more of a long-term investment as the county reaps the financial rewards from investing in the expansion — a fiscally smart move that serves several needs and opportunities.

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Add to the above the county recently received an excellent financial audit from the state department of public examiners, meaning no irregularities were found in the county’s finances or the handling of same, which further exemplifies our feeling that current Dallas County Probate Judge Kim Ballard deserves another term and your vote.


Judge Tommy Jones has earned another term

In the race for Circuit Court Judge, Place 1, The Selma Times-Journal endorses current Judge Tommy Jones. While we are not privy to all the judicial decisions Judge Jones has handed down the past six years, we feel he has been fair and impartial in his dealings with those who have had their cases tried in his courtroom. But this endorsement is based more on his experience and the stability of the courts in a time when our court systems are as financially challenged as they have been through the loss of funding due to economic conditions the state is suffering through.

Just as every state department is facing drastic budget cuts — asking those who work in those departments to do more with less — so to are those within the state’s judicial system and that includes the circuit court system.

Jones has been asked to try cases within a system that is growing more and more violent. Jones has been asked to try these cases with instructions from the State Supreme Court to keep the state’s prison system overcrowding in mind when handing down sentencing.

The challenges before those leading our judicial system are too great to fully comprehend, yet we ask them to keep us safe, keep the rule of law in order and to hand down civil judgments in a society growing more uncivil.

Judge Tommy Jones has helped keep the court system civil during difficult times, has succeeded in doing more with less and has shown leadership by working with other judges in the circuit to ensure the people within the circuit have been dealt with fairly, thus he deserves your vote for another term as Circuit Judge, Place 1.


Commission deserves stable leadership

In the race for Dallas County Commission, Seat 3, The Selma Times-Journal endorses current county commissioner, Curtis Williams.

Much in the same vain as when we endorsed incumbent Dallas County Probate Judge Kim Ballard for another term, so do we applaud Williams’ work, helping lead the county through one of the worst economic periods in a generation.

It is increasingly difficult for elected leaders to balance the budget, continue the same level of public services and at the same time create an atmosphere of stability and growth. Williams, and the other members of the Dallas County Commission, have worked hard to ensure those goals and objectives are met for the people of Dallas County.

Williams is an active member of his community, an active man in his church and the type of man Dallas County can be proud represents them on the commission.

Based on his service thus far, Williams has earned our vote and earned the right to continue his service on the commission.