Guild hosts tour of Italy

Published 10:54 pm Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dr. Gery Anderson places some of the final wine glasses ahead of Friday evening’s Wine and Dine event at Selma Art Guild. Anderson hosted the event Thursday and Friday evening, showcasing wines that paired well with Italian dishes. -- Tim Reeves

Northern Italian themed dishes and wine selections were the focus of the Selma Art Guild’s first ever “Wine and Dine” fundraiser held Thursday and Friday.

Centered around local dentist and host Dr. Gery Anderson’s experiences while in Europe, the events gathered more than 25 people and gave them a chance to learn more about both Northern Italian cuisine and local art.

“It’s an educational thing plus an opportunity for people to enjoy good food surrounded by wonderful art,” Anderson said. “It exposes people to different areas of the world, and all of that goes hand-in-hand with education of the arts. With food, travel and art, it’s all interrelated and it encourages people’s interest in the fine arts.”

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Guild president Sally Jordan said the funds raised by the event will go toward the maintenance of the building, educational programs hosted by the guild and different shows hosted by the organization, including its summer show.

“I’m excited because the people are excited about it,” Jordan said. “They really like it. Last night they had a ball and had a lot of fun eating and they were all for us having some more of these and we’d like to do that.”

Attendees sampled Northern Italian wines, including Prosecco, a sparkling wine from Veneto, a Pinot Grigio from the foothills of the Italian Alps and Ripasso, a dessert wine also from Veneto.

“I’m most excited to just see the enjoyment of the people as they enjoy having a food and wine experience and also enjoying what wonderful art we have here at the Selma Art Guild,” Anderson said.

Thursday and Friday’s “Wine and Dine” fundraiser was so successful that Anderson said he and the other event organizers were planning similar functions later in the year featuring dishes and wine from other parts of Europe.