Obama Court comments unwarranted

Published 7:32 pm Saturday, April 14, 2012

By Byrd Looper,

Dear Mr. President: Your recent attack on the Supreme Court in reference to their hearings on the constitutionality of your egregious health care plan (Obamacare), was your most arrogant, pompous rhetoric yet, as you almost totally disregarded the fact that the Court has complete jurisdiction, regarding matters questioning whether certain issues comply with the U.S. Constitution.

This is the second time you have tried to intimidate the Court, the first time being during your State-of-the-Union speech when you blatantly criticized the Court’s campaign finance decision (Jan. 2010).

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You need to remember: you are the president, not a dictator.

Of course, you had to quickly “walk back” your over-the-line proclamations that the Court needed to adhere to the fact that Congress had passed the law with a significant majority. Indeed, the law was passed, but by a very close vote and only after much coercion and monetary deals made by you .The American voters are solidly opposed to your health plan for many good reasons.

There are other important matters, Mr. President. How can Vice President Joe Biden be making speeches, claiming your energy policy is the best ever in our country?

With your distaste for oil, natural gas and coal, and your disastrous and costly-to-the-taxpayers attempts to implement “green” programs, e.g., windmills and solar, how can anyone call your energy plan “great?”

Then, there’s the recent flap at an elementary school in Massachusetts over fourth graders singing the great patriotic song, “God bless the USA.”

You seem to look the other way when faith-based religion is demonized or in the case of Trayvon Martin, when your liberal cronies claim “racial profiling.” If this tragic event had been “black-on-black or even “white-on-white,” hardly any media explosion would have happened.

Also, what about your “open microphone” comments you had for Russian President Medvedev, covering your “after the election” plans to “have more flexibility?”

Many reports suggest that your “flexibility” meaning has to do with more concessions on military weapons, etc. Thankfully, your re-election is not a sure thing, just yet.

Were you really born in America, Mr. President?