First step in fixing a major problem

Published 11:42 pm Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We know our faults. We do, because we are told quite often. They are pointed out to us far too often to count.

When it comes to the Dallas County and Black Belt area, we know we have high unemployment. We know we have poor health statistics and our education results are not much to celebrate.

But instead of focusing on that as a negative, we need to embrace those faults and promote programs and initiatives that work to battle and correct those problem areas.

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Such is the case with the announcement at Martin Middle School in Valley Grande Tuesday. The The Weight of the Nation campaign, spearheaded by HBO and other sponsors, aims to promote a better lifestyle and better habits.

But, those lessons learned in school cannot be forgotten when our students head home for the day — or the summer for that matter.

For us to correct our problems we must change our culture, and improving our eating habits is something we can all begin doing.