Girl Scout cookie sales set to kickoff Jan.1

Published 5:10 pm Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Area Girl Scouts will begin selling their collection of popular cookies Tuesday, Jan. 1.

It is that time of year again. Though many Selma residents are going to work towards some New Year resolutions and goals the Girl Scout cookie sales begin on Jan. 1.

The Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama are continuing their 100-year-old tradition of their cookies sales on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013. The scouts announced that this year their lineup of cookies would remain pretty much the same with Shortbreads, Thin Mints, Caramel Delights, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Lemonades, Thanks-A-Lots, and the new addition — Mango Crème with Nutrafusion.

The cookie program is the nation’s largest girl-led business and the leading financial literacy program for girls.

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According to a press release from the Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama, “the program is designed for girls k-12 and is the key element of the Girl Scout leadership experience.”

While most sales for the cookies are in person sales with clip boards and family and friends of the Girl Scout, many can find their favorite cookies being sold at booths and stands starting Friday, Feb. 1. Troops set up in front of local stores and businesses.

“Since 1917, the Girl Scout cookie activity has been an annual event that has helped girls develop important leadership skills, including goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics that they will use throughout their lives,” said a spokesperson for Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama. “The entire troop sets a goal and follows a plan leading toward the goal. “

Girl Scout troops use funds from the cookie activity to fund service projects in their communities or to plan for an excursion trip.

For more information or to locate a Girl Scout troop visit or call toll free 1-800-238-6636.