Mott selected as Rising Star for Selma Chamber
Published 9:01 pm Monday, January 21, 2013
An employee who works the makeup counter at Belk in the Selma was dubbed an employee to keep an eye on — but for a totally good reason; she is an up and coming retail professional. A new Rising Star in Selma and Dallas County has been selected for the month of January.
The Selma-Dallas County Chamber of Commerce Retail Committee selected Candace Mott, the counter manager for the Esteé Lauder in Belk, the Rising Star in January, presenting her an award Friday. The award seeks to recognize those who go above and beyond in customer service to promote retail and industry in the area.
“The customer who nominated her for the award said she just always goes out of her way to help her,” Selma-Dallas County Chamber of Commerce executive director Sheryl Smedley said. “She was nominated for her professional service and the customer said she is always very accommodating.”
He manager said Mott is energetic and excited about her job.
“I think that’s what it takes — If you are excited and you want to be here and it shows, then you get those customers coming back,” Belk’s manager Jessica Adams said.
And when asked if Mott receives positive feedback from customers Adams said, “all the time.”
“We have this thing called RCC,” Adams said. “It’s a website you go to that prints off on the bottom of the receipts and customers can comment on their associates — bad or good — and we have just had tons of customers comment on her service and what she does to go above and beyond for her customers.”
Mott, a 24-year-old Selma native, has worked at the counter since June and said her style of customer service is to cater to the differing needs of the people that come in each day.
“I’ve learned that everybody comes in with different needs and you really have to customize the service you give to people based on those needs,” Mott said. “I really try to get a feel for how the customer’s day is going and for example, if someone is coming in and they seem rushed, I still try to make sure they are leaving with a smile but I try to make sure I touch this person and leave a lasting impression.”
She said her goal in making Selma better is to point out the good in the community and find what makes it a great place.
“Its just about noticing the good things around us and pointing out those things because the things that are negative, they don’t last forever, but something positive, it sticks around.”
Nominations for the Rising Star award can be made at the Selma-Dallas County Chamber of Commerce office on Selma Avenue near the Dallas County Courthouse. For information on the program, contact the chamber at 875-7241.