Delinquent tax reports to be published
Published 10:40 pm Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The names on 199 accounts of Dallas County residents who failed to pay their property taxes, which were due Oct. 1 and were considered delinquent after Dec. 31, will be published for the next three weeks in The Selma Times-Journal.
“These are people who have not paid their 2012 property taxes,” said Tammy King, Dallas County tax collector.
King said her office goes through the same process each year.
“And we’ve already made it through half of the process,” she said. “This is the last notice that they will receive — the notification in the newspaper — and if it is not paid by May 17, before 10 a.m. [the property] will be auctioned off for non-payment of taxes.”
King said whatever property tax is not received by the final date — May 17 — is auctioned off at the tax sale. And whatever property is not sold will go to the state of Alabama, she said.
The process, King noted, is a legal process that starts out with the delinquent tax notice going out in January. The delinquent tax notice is followed by a certified court notice at the beginning of March.
“And then we put it in the newspaper for three consecutive weeks prior to the tax sale,” she said. “If it’s not paid within that time then it’s auctioned off at the tax sale.”
In addition to the property tax, those listed as delinquent will also have to pay all fees and interest accrued, including fees for the notice in the newspaper.
All of the 199 account holders have been contacted by phone or mail, King said, noting that most of the accounts listed as delinquent are simply ignoring the notices.
“These people have gone so far delinquent. It’s unreal when you have to go to these extremes to put their name in the newspaper,” King said, adding she and her staff have gone, “beyond the call of duty” to get the payments in. “Just get in here and pay your taxes, and don’t wait to the last minute to do it.”
Payments should be made at the Dallas County tax collectors office.