Please take time to honor our troops

Published 8:51 pm Friday, December 6, 2013

For years, I only heard about the sad feeling of knowing a family member who serves in the military will not be home for the holidays, but this year I felt it.

The anticipation for Christmas hasn’t been quite the same since I found out that I would not be seeing my brother Pfc. Jason Robinson this upcoming Christmas Day.

While the news saddens me, I can only imagine how he and several others that do not get the opportunity to be surrounded by their loved ones during the holiday season feel. Whether you have a family or friend serving during the holiday season or not, I think it is important we all make an effort to make each person serving our country feel loved this holiday season.

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It is our duty as a nation to let those sacrificing time with their family know how much we appreciate them. They give so much to make sure we have the freedom to enjoy such a blessed holiday, so the very least we can do is send them something to acknowledge their hard work.

Those that do not have the means to purchase a nice gift still have the chance to give to our brave men and women this season. I’m sure something as simple as a card or letter explaining why their endless efforts mean something special to you will be more than enough.

The Christmas spirit encourages people to let everyone that positively affects your life know how important they are to you. That person may not always be someone you know personally. It can be someone you have never met and never will, but his or her actions impact your life drastically. I think it is safe to say that our American troops fit that description. I think it is also safe to say that we should consider them family, because they sacrifice for us like our family does.

I think people might underestimate how great those care packages, holiday cards and letters can make them feel when it is from someone they do not anticipate to write or give to them.

We all expect family and friends to tell us how much they love us, but how about a complete stranger? Imaging the excitement and enjoy that will fill their heart knowing that someone that they’ll probably never meet gave them something so special.

I am not proud to admit that I have not written letters or shipped care packages to our military men and women since I was asked to in elementary school, but that is going to change.

I am going to take the time to those individuals know how amazing they are to me. I can think of few people that deserve it more than them.

Thanks to various organizations in Selma like the Black Belt Chapter of the American Red Cross and the Candy Buyback program the people of all ages in the Dallas County community had the chance to express their gratitude to our American troops.

Whether it is to a close family member serving or a service man or woman that you do not know personally, please take the time to let at least one troop know that you are thinking about them people this holiday season.