It’s time for us to become the solution

Published 5:53 pm Friday, January 3, 2014

After 12 murders in Selma in 2013, I’m glad to know the mayor has initiated a campaign that will hopefully reduce the murder rate in our city.

I’m sure those that read my last column about the importance of starting a movement to end violent crimes in Selma won’t be surprised to learn I am beyond elated about Selma Mayor George Evans’ decision to start the ‘No More’ nonviolence campaign.

Evans is urging the public to stop by the Selma City Hall to pick up a sign with the words “No More” and the “2 Corinthians 7:14” written across it, which is what I plan to do. I too ask the community join the campaign and invest their time in a movement that could bring a well-needed change to the Selma area.

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It’s time for all the people commenting about how sad and upsetting these murder stories are to take advantage of this opportunity to make a difference.

The reality is as great as this idea is, it won’t be effective unless the entire community takes part. It is common knowledge there is power in numbers, and we must unite to let everyone know just how powerful Selma truly is.

I expect every business, church, individual and organization to have No More sign showing their support for this important cause.

Something as simple as posting these signs will spread awareness about how serious we are about stopping tragedies that take the lives of people of all ages, leave family members without a loved one and make people feel unsafe in a place they call home.

I’ve only been in Selma for little more than three months, but in that short time I have learned most residents are sweet and very welcoming. It’s a shame such good people have to live in an unsafe environment. Every person in this city should be able to take a walk down the street at night without feeling like they might be the next murder victim.

Evans mentioned he would place an additional sign in his yard every time there is a new murder in the area, which I believe is a great way to bring attention to just how serious this problem is in Selma. I suggest everyone do the same.

I want our New Years resolution as a city to be that we create a more positive image through our actions. Selma was once considered to be a city that brought peace during time that was very chaotic, and that has changed drastically.

Over the years, we have gotten the reputation of a being a violent city, and I’m ashamed of that. As many great people as there are in Selma, we need to showcase the beauty of this city.

I want us to remind people of just how much we can do when we come together for the greater good of the community. We need to demonstrate to the world and each other just how much we love and care about one another.

At one time, Selma residents rallied behind voting rights that helped bring an oppressed group of people rights they were denied for years.

We must now join hands to defeat the monstrous, brutal and disheartening crimes that plague our city.