Celebrating all of the mothers out there

Published 8:19 pm Saturday, May 10, 2014

By Larry Stover

Today, across the area, most people will be celebrating Mother’s Day.  It is a time to remember the very special ladies in our lives.

Proverbs chapter 31 is an all time favorite description of a godly woman.  If you haven’t read it in awhile, focus on her virtues again.

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Verse 11 is a favorite of mine.  It addresses her husband.  He has confidence in her and so does everyone else.  There are many ladies who with the help of the Holy Spirit exhibit a life that makes everyone happy to be around them.

Verse 17 simply says that she works very hard.  This has many applications.  Many moms are in the work force today.  With the cost of living, single family incomes are hardly enough to make ends meet.  I have always saluted the stay at home mom.  It is tough keeping up with the home.  From a believers perspective I am reminded that the Bible tells us; “Whatever you do, do it is as though you are doing it for God.”  Wherever you work outside of the home or work at home, do it as though you are doing it for Jesus.

Verse 20 says that she reaches out to the poor and needy.  One of the great things I have learned in life is to invest in other people.  I enjoy living in a small town like Valley Grande because I have the privilege of being very involved in the community.  There are always needs around us.  If everyone does something, it will go a long way to helping people with any kind of need.

Verse 25 describes her as being clothed with strength and dignity.  In other words, Christian women have a strong sense of worth as well as a healthy self-esteem.

As one reads on into verse 26 we discover that another virtue covers their speech. They speak with wisdom.  Idle gossip is not on their minds or in their thoughts.

On this Mother’s Day, let’s all follow the admonition of verse 28.  A woman of virtue has a husband and children who rise up and praise her.

If you had the influence of a Christian mother or grandmother, let her know how much you appreciate that influence.    If that special lady in your life was instrumental in leading you to a relationship with the Lord, today is a great day to let her know.

To all you ladies who are actively involved in your church, I want to say a big thank-you!  We could not begin to do what we do in the church if it were not for you.

To my wife, Janet, thank you for being that woman of virtue.  You have demonstrated these virtues, and many more, for the forty years we have been married. Time spent with you is “Simply Beautiful.”