Churches need to give more to community

Published 3:26 pm Friday, July 4, 2014

My life as the daughter of an evangelist gives me a glimpse into the church community, and I am sometimes disappointed by what I see.

Every church is different. Some are formal, while others are not.

Some hold large congregations, while others are home to only a handful of members.

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I have no problem with those small differences. Those are differences that make every church unique.

What pains me is to learn about churches that would much rather invest more money into their building, church leaders or both than their community.

The First Baptist Church in Orrville’s recent efforts to supply necessities to the unfortunate by hosting a love giveaway should serve as reminder of how churches should support their community first.

God’s word encourages us to give to our fellow man, and First Baptist did just that by providing eight tables worth of clothing for all ages and genders and children’s toys to the less fortunate people of Dallas County.

It is easy for Christians to get caught up in tradition, which is not bad when it does not prevent growth and neglect those who are most in need.

As sad as it is, I have attended services where that has been the case.

I have watched pastors and ushers ask a congregation of low-income people to give to a church building fund to make unnecessary renovations as if the people’s needs did not amount to the church’s desire to have a more appealing building.

We should perceive churches as the people more so than buildings.

While I am not too familiar with the First Baptist Church in Orrville, last week’s giveaway gave me the idea that they are familiar with that concept of the church being the people who make up the congregation.

Not only did First Baptist Church properly use the clothing donations of a generous anonymous woman to benefit others, but they also had several members reach in their closets to supply more than half of the items presented last Saturday at the church, and it was all completely free of charge.

Imagine how blessed those people must have felt to walk home with clothes and toys their whole family could enjoy with no financial burden.

We have to remember that it important to not only read and preach the word of God but also live by it.

When times get rough, and it seems like there is no one to turn to, everyone in the Dallas County community should be able to visit a church that will support them in every way the church members possibly can.

I can only hope that more churches will be inspired by First Baptist Church’s recent giving act and help the public.