Historic Trail seeks input from public

Published 6:15 pm Saturday, July 5, 2014

The National Park Service is seeking help from the public as it prepares a foundation document for the planning and management of the Selma-to-Montgomery National Historic Trail.

In a press release, the NPS explained the document, which does not include actions or management strategies and will not be used in the decision-making process, will describe a shared understanding of the most important aspects of the trail.

“As stewards of the National Park Service, it is our privilege to preserve, protect and interpret this story to ensure it will forever be remembered,” said Sandra L. Taylor, superintendent of the Selma-to-Montgomery National Historic Trail. “The community’s collaboration in the process is invaluable.”

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Foundation documents are being drafted for all 401 parks in the NPS system, and should be completed by the 100-year anniversary of the National Park Service in 2016.

Along with defining the most important aspects of the Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail, the National Park Service is hoping to identify the greatest opportunities and most pressing challenges facing the trail.

On Saturday, July 12, the public is invited to attend open houses at both the Selma Interpretive Center and the Lowndes Interpretive Center. During the two informal open house events, which run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the NPS will field feedback from the general public regarding the foundation document.

Members of the public are also invited to submit feedback to the park planning website online at parkplanning.nps.gov/selmatomontgomeryfoundation.