Scrooges can really damper the holidays

Published 10:20 pm Friday, December 5, 2014

By Larry Stover

The Selma Times-Journal


Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol” has been a classic in literature as well as a major production on the stage and on screen.

We have animated versions as well as various adaptations of this tremendous story about Scrooge and his transition from being one of the most despicable individuals in town to one who learns the real joy and meaning of Christmas.

Many of us anxiously await the Christmas season so we can enjoy its many variations on television or DVD.

Others can’t wait to sit by a fire or curl up on the sofa to once again read this masterpiece.

Do you have a “Scrooge” in your family?

Maybe, it is a neighbor, close friend or even your boss at work. One thing is for sure, they really know how to put a damper on the season.

Their favorite comment throughout the month of December is “Bah Humbug!”

When they walk into the room, the temperature drops; moods swing from jubilation to blah; and the look on their face would make one think they just got baptized in “dill pickle juice!”

What is wrong with these people? Wouldn’t it be great if they could also encounter the “ghost” of Christmas past, present, and future?”

I personally think it would be amazing if they could sit back and watch the panorama of their life unfold so they could see just how much they make life unbearable for those around them because of their horrible “Bah Humbug” attitudes and actions.

I even know people in the church (I thank God that I don’t have one in mine!) who refuse to celebrate Christmas, because Jesus wasn’t born on Dec. 25!

No matter what date we chose, it might not be the correct one either.

Why should we stop the celebration just because over 2000 years ago someone forgot to write His birthday down?

If it is that crucial to you as a believer, put it at the top of your list of things you want to ask the Savior when you get to heaven. I promise you that it’s not on my list at all.

Let’s keep the celebration alive! Jesus is still the reason for the season! In all the planning and celebrating we do, let’s not forget to spread some Christmas joy and peace around.

With all that is happening in our nation and in our world, we need to move beyond the commercialization of the season and reflect of what Jesus Christ can do in the life of anyone who puts their faith and hope in Him.

As for the “Scrooges” in your life, pray for them, encourage them and buy them a gift for Christmas.

It just might make the season of Advent simply beautiful for them also! We can only hope!