What do you do when times are tough?

Published 4:46 pm Saturday, January 10, 2015

By Larry Stover
The Selma Times-Journal

We all go through tough times. There are some periods in our lives when we think that we got more troubles than our share.  We all have to learn how to deal with those bumps in the road. Some do a better job than others.

The rising struggles with addiction in America give some distressing input to this dilemma. Alcoholism is on the rise. Drug addiction is intensifying.  Beyond this we see far too many people addicted to gambling and pornography as they struggle with the troubles of life. The need to forget their surrounding troubles has brought down many individuals and families as well.

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The story of The Children of Israel in Joshua chapter five is an encouragement to anyone going through tough times of any kind.

When they crossed the Jordan River, on dry ground, God ordered Joshua to have one man from each of the twelve tribes to stop and pick up a large stone, place it on his shoulder, and carry it to the other side.

After the children of Israel crossed the river and it returned to its normal flow, Joshua took the 12 stones and built an altar.  It had a very special purpose for the people. The people were told, “When future generations ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?,’ tell them about the time God stopped the Jordan River so they could cross into the Promise Land.”

This was not to be an idol they might worship.  Rather, it was a reminder of the faithfulness of God.

If you are a believer with an up to date relationship with Jesus Christ, you are experiencing the faithfulness of God in marvelous and miraculous ways.

When times get tough for the people of God, we are reminded of the past faithfulness of the Lord. We remember the miracles. Time is taken to reflect on those occasions when God gave us strength to make it over one of those “bumps in the road.”

As a Christian I thrive on those times when I have been consumed by the presence of an Almighty God. Unless you have experienced it, it is sometimes hard to explain what happens when the Holy Spirit begins to bless you. It’s unforgettable!

We all go through struggles of every magnitude. These earthquakes in life can be stumbling blocks or stepping stones to better days.

If we are not careful, we can allow negative thinking to tumble us into depression and despair.

God never intended for us to live a defeated life. Through Jesus Christ we have hope for a better future and a better life. It the struggles of life are crashing in around you, remember a faithful God has strength, and hope so you can move beyond your troubles and enjoy life the way  He means it to be.

You will discover that through Jesus life is “simply beautiful.”