Looking at Trump’s rise

Published 10:17 pm Tuesday, August 18, 2015

There is an old saying, “it’s a sorry dog that won’t wag its own tail.” It is for sure Donald Trump doesn’t have that problem to worry about.

The outspoken billionaire entrepreneur certainly knows how to wag his tail. The Trump phenomenon, as I like to call it, is gaining momentum instead of regressing as the establishment elite had thought.

It is becoming more evident that Trump will have to be trumped if anyone else has a chance at the nomination.

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The Donald has tapped into the anger and frustration many Americans are experiencing.

He has hit on the ever present and ongoing illegal immigration issue and made it main stream.

I, like so many, have thought it should have been main stream years ago.

Politicians in Washington refuse to do anything about the thousands pouring into the country each week along our porous southern border.

I have often wondered just what is it about illegal do the elected President and Congress not get?

However, it is not just this President, it goes back much farther and several Democrats and Republicans have done nothing to stop the illegal migration of Mexico and South America to our country.

I’ll have to see a lot more of Trump before I am willing to jump on his campaign juggernaut, but I do like his stance on illegal immigration.

If it is against the laws of our land, it is against the law, and you do not make illegal legal by turning your back or giving assistance to it.

Many in Congress are insistent on giving aid and comfort to the law breakers viewing them as potential votes to perpetuate their own party and careers.

I believe the Trump crowd is saying, no more mealy mouthing politicians trying to justify open borders.

It is time to end the charity state and begin to dig ourselves out of the depths of debt created by politicians in Washington, D.C.

Congress’s approval rating is hovering around 14 to 17 percent depending on the polls you look at.

In my opinion, there is a lot of anger out there and people in general are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Certainly they are sick and tired of the way the people’s business is being conducted by politicians more interested in their own well being than the welfare of the country.

Enough already is the message being sent by the rise of a straight talking non-politician candidate to the establishment of career politicians.

As of now, Trump is not only dominating the field of Republicans, but he is also dominating the buzz and conversation along with it.

Time will tell, and it is a long time before nominations and the general election is held.

Perhaps if nothing else, Trump has forced the immigration issue to the forefront along with other issues.