Are we getting ready for judgment of God?

Published 10:49 pm Saturday, September 5, 2015

By Larry Stover

Pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene


All of us could use a blessing. Some of us who have been going through tough times would be ecstatic if we could receive a real blessing from God.

For our Jewish friends and those of us who like to follow and understand the Jewish calendar, the next week is going to be exciting.

We are in what is called the year of “Shemitah.” It takes place every seven years among the people of God. Just as the Sabbath was to be a day of rest, so Shemitah was to be a year of rest.

No crops were to be planted. Whatever came up wild was to be available to the poor for food.

The same was applicable for vineyards and olive groves in Bible lands. In other words, farming took the year off.

It goes beyond this farming application. The last day of the calendar year is known as “Elul 29.”

By that day in the year of Shemitah all debts had to be cancelled. Everyone was free to start a new seven year cycle on even ground with God and their fellow man.

The month of Elul was also a very spiritual time for the people of God.

There was a major focus on repentance and forgiveness. It was a time for God’s people to be reconciled to him.

As the people of God moved toward Elul 29 they were looking ahead into the month of Tishri anticipating his blessings and favor.

They knew if they had not been faithful to God, they could expect divine judgement of some sort.

I’ve left you in suspense. Elul 29 on our Gregorian calendar is Sept. 13, 2015.

Jonathan Cahn in his book, “The Mystery of the Shemitah” addresses the modern debate of how this idea might relate to America.

Can the prophetic signs of Shemitah be given to any country (not just Israel) as long as that nation in some way matches the description or shares the ancient attributes of Israel?

America continues to follow the spiritual patterns of Israel.

We are a nation in defiance of God’s ways. We once knew God but have now turned away from Him.

We are a civilization established on the word of God, dedicated to his purposes and consecrated to his glory from our very inception. We are doing everything to obliterate the God of the Bible, and His standards of righteousness from our very existence.

The “Year of Shemitah” has had some dire consequences for those who disobey the precepts of God. During the past century those judgements have fallen on the financial and economic ream.

In 1973 following Roe vs Wade we lost 45 percent of the stock market; 1980 saw the “Double dip recession.”

“Black Monday” was the sign of 1987.

Six days after the attacks of 9/11 in 2001 the stock market crashed.

Sept. 29, 2008, (Elul 29) the Dow dropped 777 points and ended with a loss of 50 percent.

In 2015 we have legalized gay marriage and are systematically throwing Israel under the bus.

Are we getting ready for the judgement of God?

Whatever happens during the next week, I will go on serving God. I will continue to reflect Jesus Christ in every area of my life. Living in a right relationship with God makes life “Simply Beautiful.”