It’s time to end judicial override policy

Published 10:35 pm Friday, December 4, 2015

By STEPHEN STETSON | Alabama Arise

Executions have been on hold in Alabama since 2013 amid litigation about lethal injection and the chemicals used to kill. Next year, a federal judge will hear two challenges to Alabama’s lethal injection protocol. No matter what the judge decides, the question is not whether Alabama will start executing people again, but how and when.

Plaintiffs in both cases were required to propose feasible alternatives that could be used if the lethal injection protocol is ruled unconstitutional. While we wait for the court’s decision, we ought to reconsider the legal process sending capital offenders to death row, and whether that journey reflects the values of Alabamians — including those who support capital punishment.

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Among death penalty states, Alabama is one of only three allowing trial judges to disregard a jury’s recommended sentence of life without parole.

We’re also the only state with no guidelines on how judges make decisions to “override” a jury recommendation.

It’s rare for judges to use this power to spare a life. Instead, the overwhelming majority of overrides are used to sentence someone to death after a jury recommends life imprisonment. It takes at least three jurors to block a death sentence recommendation in Alabama — but only one judge to cancel their vote.

Of the states allowing this practice, Alabama is the only one where judges are selected in partisan elections. Nearly a third of death sentences handed down in 2008, an election year, were the result of judicial overrides, according to the Equal Justice Initiative.

Judicial overrides land disproportionately heavily on black defendants. Six percent of Alabama murders are committed by black offenders against white victims, but 31 percent of override cases involve black defendants and white victims.

Defendants facing execution can lack qualified counsel at all stages of the process, starting at trial. To qualify for appointment on an Alabama death penalty case, an attorney needs only five years of experience in any type of criminal case.

The state provides no additional training, and until recently, it capped attorney fees at absurdly low rates.

As we await a federal decision about the constitutionality of Alabama’s execution protocol, we also must examine the process by which inmates land in the death chamber. Our state fails to guarantee that people accused of capital crimes have well-qualified counsel at capital murder trials, or any counsel for state post-conviction appeals. We allow elected judges to ignore recommended jury sentences in capital cases for any reason. And our system is plagued by unconscionable racial disparities.

Stephen Stetson is a policy analyst for Arise Citizens’ Policy Project.