Just or not, death is a given for everyone

Published 9:52 pm Tuesday, February 23, 2016

By Michael Brooks

Brooks is a pastor of the Siluria Baptist Church and adjunct instructor at Jefferson State Community College.

I must admit I found it just as addictive as I’d been told. When I began watching “Making A Murderer,” I could hardly stop until I’d digested all 10 hours.

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The series tells the story of Steven Avery of Manitowoc, Wisconsin who spent 18 years in prison for a rape he didn’t commit. A single strand of hair provided enough DNA evidence to exonerate him. He proceeded to file a lawsuit against those who prosecuted him and suddenly found himself accused of another murder. Avery’s mentally-challenged nephew confessed to assisting in the murder, though he later recanted his confession. Avery’s blood was found in the victim’s automobile, but then it was discovered a vial of his blood in police custody had been tampered with. And so it goes.

We believe in our system of justice in America, but sometimes justice can be flawed. It was, at least, in Steven Avery’s first conviction. And it was in Tombstone, Arizona, where I saw George Johnson’s grave in Boot Hill Cemetery. The epitaph says, “Hanged by mistake.” His daughter explained that Johnson was accused of stealing a horse, but later it was discovered he’d purchased it.

Justice wasn’t just.

The Bible is clear that one day we’ll face God’s justice. The apostle Paul wrote, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10).

At the final judgment, justice will be just. God is the bookkeeper who has recorded our deeds, our words and our thoughts. A popular gospel booklet a few years ago suggested God will simply play a movie of our life. Perhaps. Another theologian suggested the judgment books of God are simply the Bible’s way of referring to the mind of God. In other words, he doesn’t need to write it down.

Whatever the case, there’s no room for error. Furthermore, there will no appeals since God’s judgment is always final.

I saw another interesting grave in Boot Hill. It read “Frank Bowles / Born Aug. 5, 1828 / Died Aug. 26, 1880.” Bowles died at age 52. But the epitaph continued: “As you pass by, remember that as you are, so once was I / and as I am, you soon will be / Remember me.”

Death is our common possession. It was not the plan of God in the beginning, but entered the world when our first parents rebelled against the Lord. As Paul wrote in Romans, “and so death passed to all men, for all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). Death is coming for all of us. And then we’ll face our creator and give full account of our lives. If you died today, would you be ready to meet God?