October is pastor appreciation month

Published 5:04 pm Saturday, October 8, 2016

By Larry Stover
Stover lives in Valley Grande and is pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene

October is “Pastor Appreciation” Month.  There is no doubt in my mind that being a pastor in 2016 is one of the most challenging, stressful, yet rewarding jobs in the world. Every week of the year pastors have the privilege of helping people and preaching transforming messages that guide their flocks in the midst of some of the most difficult times we have all ever faced.

Janet and I are entering our 39th year of pastoral ministry. Our fathers were both pastors. I grew up in a Nazarene parsonage. All of my 63 years have been lived in a parsonage or going to school preparing for ministry.

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The role of ministry has changed drastically over the past few decades. The American home is facing more challenges than ever. The institution of marriage is crumbling. Children and youth are being forced to grow up and deal with issues that I never dreamed of as a child. Pastors are spending more time than ever bringing help to a hurting world.

I recently received an open letters to Pastors written by Brian Dodd. The entire letter can be found at churchleaders.com. I hope that these excerpts will inspire you as you think about your pastor this month.

“Thank you for going to God on behalf of your people and praying for your congregation daily. Thank you for studying God’s Word and communicating its truths. Thank you for demonstrating grace, love, and patience when people question your motives and competency. Thank you for making hard decisions, and then, living with the results

“Thank you for putting in countless hours. Thank you for being a constant learner. Thank you for paying the price of preparation and your continually studying to better yourself. Thank you for being men and women of impeccable character and integrity. Thank you for helping your congregation in discovering their spiritual gifts.

“Thank you for proclaiming the holiness message to a world that needs it more than ever. Thank you for seeing people for what they could be through the power of Jesus Christ, not just for what they currently are.

“Thank you for presiding over the landmark moments of your congregation— baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

“Thank you for telling your people, ‘You’re going to make it. It’s going to be OK.’ Thank you for having the courage to confront people about the sin in their lives and explain their need for repentance and a Savior. Thank you for your great faith in what God can do.

“Thank you for creating environments that help your families raise Godly children. Thank you for walking with your people through tragedy, marital troubles, raising children and life’s great challenges.  Thank you for your phone calls, texts, and e-mails just to see how your people are doing.

“Thank you to your spouse and children for their willingness to share you with your people. Thank you for living in a fishbowl.”

Janet and I are very blessed to serve the people of Praise Park ministries Church of the Nazarene.  For over 13 years we have been the recipients of more gifts and expressions of love and kindness than we could ever imagine.  My physical problems of the past two years have been one of the most difficult times I have ever faced. Their patience and love have been amazing. My church has made Pastor Appreciation 2016 more gracious than ever!

I don’t know if your church plans a special day for Pastor Appreciation.

If you do, I want to say, “Thank You.” Your pastor and parsonage family deserve it more than you will ever know. If you don’t have a special day, there is still time to plan one. Your church can and will discover that treating your pastor and parsonage family like royalty will make your church “Simply Beautiful.”