Time to stand up, be counted

Published 4:11 pm Tuesday, October 25, 2016

By James G. Smith
The Selma Times-Journal

This election cycle is about over much to the relief of most everyone I know. Never has there been one like it and hopefully never again. Although the two candidates vying for the highest position in the land are both highly undesirable and unpopular, there are differences of utmost importance. It all depends on whether you agree with the way this country is headed or not. Admittedly, there are many who apparently are pleased with the radical transformation of our country. However, I happen not to be one who shares that sentiment.

I have said many times, there are some people who apparently enjoy being deceived, took for granted and even lied to. Apparently, they aren’t capable of handling the truth. They had rather hear a lie than the truth. We have reached a point where the truth needs to be told and adjustments made to correct an overreaching government practicing excess. A government that is devastating the middle class and the American dream. The national debt is approaching 20 trillion dollars and in the event of another liberal administration will likely hit 25 trillion in the next four years with all the promises made. I know there are some who believe the government does not have to pay back its debt, but wait until the time comes and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. The people hurt most by it all will be the working stiffs paying the bills.

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Several Christians have indicated they will sit out this election due to the choices and their strong convictions. Well, I happen to believe Christians must stay engaged in the political process by voting. To do otherwise is to neglect your Christian duty as citizens. Matthew 22:21 says: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” This passage is widely quoted showing the relationship between Christianity, secular government and society. Christians should be good stewards of the faith as well as good citizens. Although the choices aren’t what would be considered choir material, it still remains a responsibility to have a say in the direction of the country. Also, it is important to stem the eroding of religious liberties as well as the stacking of liberal justices on the Supreme Court. This is one of those times to stand up and be counted.

It is really difficult to wrap your mind around how liberals think. The liberal factions are controlling the Democratic party now and have for several years. The old southern yellow dog Democrats have long since evacuated the liberal ship to be conservative Republicans or Independents.

I make no claims of being Democrat or Republican, but rather a supporter of the founding principles that made this the greatest country on earth. Your guess is as good as mine where the latest trends will all end provided drastic changes are not forthcoming in the federal government. One thing I do know, liberalism and socialism is not the answer to America’s problems, it is the problem.