Selma is turning a page in its history

Published 4:42 pm Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Our new mayor elect Darrio Melton, has put forward a bold vision for Selma. His vision is a forward thinking plan that will give Selma the opportunity to become the city not just known for the Civil Rights Movement, but will also boost our economy.

It is no exaggeration to say that our current Mayor, George Evans, has seen the city make some strides under his watch.

Mayor elect Melton must continue to elevate the economic renaissance our city has begun to experience.

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I believe Melton will use his office to diversify our local economy and to attract and retain high wage employers to Selma.

I believe that he will devote his time and attention to helping our local businesses expand and flourish.

I know Melton will make Selma a more business friendly city. He has stated that we need to create an environment that makes businesses want to locate here and grow.

I have read about a bold housing initiative that Melton is working on which will only work if there are more private sector, high wage job opportunities. He believes that it is time to create the types of jobs that will keep our workforce strong.

Mayor elect Melton will ensure our city budget is balanced, and find room in the budget to grow Selma’s innovation fund so we have the resources to attract and retain high wage companies that make a long-term commitment to our city.

He will pay special attention to successful local restaurants that want to expand or open second locations.

Yes, I am very excited about all of the possibilities of Selma’s new future.

Now on another note, we must lock out Selma’s devils and haters. Selma has several vocal evil racists with hate in their hearts — bigots.

Their tactics are to continue to divide our city against one another.

We have news for them … not happening … get a life.

The good news is that, Selma is going to turn the page without these haters. We are going to shine our lights so brightly that we can enter any darkness and know that our light cannot be extinguished.

Many Selma residents have vowed to fight these and any haters, bigots, who try to divide and destroy Selma. As good people of Selma, we have decided that enough is enough and we are going to rise up against hate and bigotry. We are going to neutralize bigotry in Selma and we are all going to work together.

Selma is turning a new page!
Gerald Chestnut Riberio