Power of positive believing

Published 6:38 am Sunday, October 30, 2016

By LARRY STOVER | Praise Park Church of the Nazarene 

One neighbor said to another, “What do you think of the situation today?” The other replied, “It’s better.” “Better? What do you mean better,” the other asked?”

Well, it’s worse than it was yesterday, but it’s better than it’s going to be tomorrow,” came the reply.

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I’m not sure whether to describe that neighbor as a pessimist, fatalist, or a cynic, but one thing is for sure, many people carve out their tomorrows with the attitudes of today.

Unfortunately, I sometimes find this attitude among Christians as well. There are too many believers who do not change their outlook on life after accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Even though they have been forgiven of their past sins and promised a new life in heaven, there seems to be an atmosphere of negativism these days.

A life changing experience with Jesus Christ has so much to offer. Forgiveness erases the guilt of disobedience.

The Holy Spirit comes into our lives as a confident and guide.  Christian friends join us on the journey of life and things keep getting brighter.

Then, we can add all the spiritual blessings and benefits of this relationship. There are no limits to God’s grace.

That in itself may be the greatest gift we receive following redemption.

Grace sometimes comes to us in the form of “unconditional love” when it seems that no one else cares about what is going on in our lives. It comes in the form of “strength” when we get tired and worn out from the stresses of day to day living.

I especially like the idea of “hope” in the midst of a world that has lost it moral and ethical compass.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us “to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” Jesus reminds us that He came “so we might have life and have it more abundantly.”

The old hymn reminds us, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” Together, these promises gives us a hope in Jesus Christ that is stronger than anything we will ever face.

Developing a positive attitude about what we believe is crucial to getting the most out of our faith.

I want us to develop an attitude of dependence on God.

We are told in scripture to “boldly” go to God in times of need. We need to look to a higher wisdom and bigger resources than our own.

Remember the old bumper sticker, “God and I make a majority!”

Let’s hold on to the truth, “With God all things are possible.”  His Word reminds us that, “He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or think.”