Hurry up and wait, it’s Advent

Published 8:36 pm Thursday, December 15, 2016

By JACK ALVEY | St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Slow down. Quiet. It’s Advent!  This phrase has been popularized in devotional materials in recent years as the Church gets ready for the Nativity of our Lord.

Many have noted the startling contrast between the liturgical season of Advent (the four weeks before Christmas) and the cultural season that spans the same length of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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The day following Thanksgiving, Black Friday, officially kicks off this cultural season of chaos where we shop, shop, shop and go, go, go until Dec. 25.

Our secular responsibilities during this season leave little room to slow down and be quiet.

In order to compensate for the commercialism of this season, the Church spends much of her energy trying to remind people that Jesus is the reason for the season by hosting special programs and outreach projects.

So not only are we stretched thin by our secular world responsibilities but also by our duties as good church people.

While we as a people would do well to slow down and be quiet, it seems that a more appropriate phrase for the season should read: Hurry Up and Wait, It’s Advent!

Yes, the season of Advent is marked by a very specific period of time, but the message of Advent tells us that the Lord will come in an unexpected place at an unexpected time.  Therefore, be ready at any moment.

As Jamie and I await the nativity of our second child (any day now), every day is treated like it is the last day before the birth of baby John.

Every day we make sure our bags are packed and the house is cleaned.  Every day I make sure my office is in order before I head home.  Every day is a hurry up and wait kind of day.  Every day we wait in joyful anticipation that today could be the day we meet our new bundle of joy.

Jesus tells his disciples, “Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”

Whether it be the Second Coming or the Nativity of our Lord, the point is, of course, that joy, hope, and love are born into our lives in the most unexpected places at the most unexpected times — be alert so you don’t miss out.

No matter how well we draw up the script for the Christmas Pageant, no matter how logical my predictions are on when exactly baby John will be born; joy, hope, and love will manifest itself in an unpredictable way.

The Christmas Pageant will inevitably go off script but we will grow in the mystery of God’s love for us.

Jamie and I will inevitably forget to do something before we have baby John but we will grow in the knowledge and love of God.

The gifts that God desires us to receive cannot be manufactured by the best of human plans.  So this year, hurry up and let go of the illusion that you will ever be fully prepared.

Hurry up and check off the last item on your list so you don’t miss the point of Christmas when it hits you square in the eyes.  Hurry up and finish your vain attempts to make this Christmas perfect and wait for the Lord to meet you in the humblest of places.

Hurry up and wait, It’s Advent!