Vaughan Auxiliary awards eight scholarships to further healthcare careers
Published 9:15 pm Thursday, June 15, 2017
Eight healthcare students will have help furthering their education thanks to a scholarship from the Vaughan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary.
The auxiliary gave away $13,000 worth of scholarships, which will go a long way in helping pay for classes, books and other needs they ma have on their journey.
Many people in Selma and Dallas County may have been to different sales held by the Vaughan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary and purchased jewelery, uniforms, clothing or other merchandise. The scholarships awarded by the auxiliary are funded by those sales, so everyone that buys something has helped them in their goal of helping nurses pay for their education.
It is great to see an organization giving back to such a great cause. The auxiliary, as well as Vaughan Regional Medical Center, deserve a round of applause for making this happen. Good luck to this year’s recipients as they fulfill their dreams of helping otherrs.