MELTON: An open letter to the council
Published 8:28 pm Saturday, February 17, 2018
For nearly two centuries, Selma’s elected officials have worked tirelessly to deliver best government practices, services, and solutions to local residents.
This hard work must continue in order for us to consistently build upon the rich history of our Queen City. There are many wonderful things that we have accomplished together over this past year.
We have completed the LED lighting plan,
repaired sewer and storm drainage, expanded broadband, just to mention a few.
While those are significant projects, I believe we haven’t yet touched the surface of our potential to move Selma boldly into the 21st century.
Communication is essential
to a healthy and vibrant working relationship.
There is plenty of room for improving the relationship between the mayor’s office and the city council.
To improve our relationship, I am asking to meet with each council member to discuss how we can bridge the gap.
I will be reaching out to each one of you individually over the next few days.
It is important that we meet one on one as the scriptures instructs us if a person offends you, go and tell him-work it out between the two of you.
If he listens, you’ve made a friend. Let’s try again. Selma is worth it.
I believe that civility is always in order and that it demands vigorous debate and opposing viewpoints. After all, robust debate is the bedrock of our great democracy. Though we will not always agree, every viewpoint deserves respect, especially those with which we disagree.
I am asking you to make a commitment with me to conduct the business of our city in a transparent manner that supports opposing and divergent points of view, but also bring discussion to a conclusion rather than endless debate.
As mayor, my deepest pride comes from the way we achieve our goals together, mayor and council.
No man is an island unto himself. Neither is any branch of government successful without the other branch.
Together we can face difficult decisions during the course of governing and together we
can succeed with unwavering commitment to build a city that is the hallmark of what we have to offer the world.
Selma’s citizens are counting on us to lead and to move our city forward.
I am counting on you as much as you are counting on me.
Together we lead.