Welcome back!
Published 6:02 pm Monday, August 6, 2018
On behalf of the Selma City Schools Board of Education, I want to extend a joyful WELCOME BACK to all the children of Selma and Dallas County. The last few weeks of summer always seem to fly by and here we are, beginning the first week of another school year. Let’s make this our best school year ever! As superintendent, I will support our teachers and staff to ensure that it is an excellent year. Parents and families, please do the same for our scholars.
There are a number of ways that parents and families can partner with schools so that our children can achieve greater success. Here are just a few.
Meet and get to know the teachers and staff. Forming a positive relationship early in the year will go a long way. Teachers need you. Find out when the PTO open house is being held and make plans to attend and to continue to support school events throughout the year.
Stay aware of how your child is performing in school. Don’t wait until report card time to be alarmed. It is important that we act early when students need help. Let’s not risk having him/her fall behind. Schedule an appointment with the teacher if you have any concerns.
Encourage your child to read every day! Limit screen time (TV, cell phone, video games, and social media) and read instead. Reading for even 20 minutes a day can increase vocabulary and improve students’ grades in other subject areas. All Selma schools have libraries and students also have access to MyOn, which has hundreds of e-books.
Be a positive role model. You are your child’s first teacher and they will learn more from you than any lesson at a school. Show support with a positive attitude. This will let your child see that you value their education and will go a long way towards them striving to succeed.
As parents and families, you know your child better than anyone. Working together with our schools is a must. We believe that our partnership with parents and families is imperative. For that reason, we are creating the Selma City Schools Parent University. Planning will begin this fall and we would love to have your input. Our goal is to strengthen the home, school connection. We want to provide support and resources to families so that they can better support their children. Our children deserve our best and we must work together. If you are a Selma City School family, please look to see more information about our Parent University in the coming months.
Welcome back to Selma City Schools and I hope everyone has an amazing week and a fantastic school year!
For more information please reach out to me at avis.williams@selmacityschools.org.
Dr. Avis Williams is the superintendent of Selma City Schools.