Government shutdown has local effects
Published 5:23 pm Monday, January 7, 2019
As the Government shutdown continues, it is oftentimes hard to see how things that seem so far away will impact our own lives here in Dallas County.
The shutdown is the result of lawmakers in Washington being unable to compromise on President Donald Trump’s request for $5 billion for a wall to be constructed along the United States-Mexico border – in a televised press conference following a meeting last week, Trump indicated that the shutdown could continue for “months or even years.”
Today, you read about how the shutdown will impact locally the lives of people in Selma and Dallas County.
The Selma Interpretive Center, which is part of the National Parks Service (NPS) faces struggles remaining operational.
The sign out front states the center is closed because of a lapse in federal appropriations.
The shutdown also will hinder the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in distributing tax refunds and others will not receive food stamp benefits.
These two things impact us locally.
There are those in our community who depend on the tax refund and monthly food stamps to survive.
It is important to always be aware of what is happening nationally.
Everything that happens nationally will somehow impact us at home in one way or another.
Stay informed as this shutdown continues. Know what is going on, and how you are part of the grander scheme of things.