Local Realtor broker named to state group
Published 12:46 pm Friday, March 1, 2019
The Alabama Real Estate Commission has announced new members to their board including one Selma Realtor broker that is familiar to most people in town.
Joyce Harris, a lifelong resident of Dallas County, was named to the board at the Commission’s previous meeting and will join eight others from across the state.
She and her husband, Johnny Harris Sr., have been married for 40 years and have two adult married children, Consetta Harris Galloway and Johnny “Jay” Harris Jr. Harris is a graduate of Keith High School and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology from Alabama State University. Her passion for this field of study led to post-graduate training from St. Margaret’s Hospital School of Medical Technology.
For nearly three decades, Harris serviced the Vaughan Regional Medical Center as a medical technologist and laboratory director. After retiring from her full-time career in healthcare, Harris was introduced to real estate by her daughter. After three years in the business, a fervor for entrepreneurship led to the establishment of Covenant Realty LLC, where Harris presently serves as a qualifying broker.
She also is in grandparent mode with her first grandchild.
We commend Harris for this honor and a chance to represent Selma and Dallas County on a wide scale.
Her humbleness to the honor is admirable, and we know she will do great things in this position while continuing to flourish in Dallas County.