Job seekers should take advantage of upcoming fair
Published 6:29 pm Thursday, July 25, 2019
With Dallas County still one of the highest unemployed counties in the state, the upcoming job fair on Aug. 8 at Wallace Community College-Selma (WCCS) should be taken full advantage of.
There are numerous resources that are available in the search for a job hunt.
One resource was the gathering at George Washington Carver (GWC) on Thursday where Vivian Black, the Career Facilitator with the Alabama Career Center in Selma shared tips on searching for a job, building a resume and cover letter and standing out in an interview.
There are people working hard to help those that are looking for a job find one.
Those that have participated in these types of resourceful meetings should take what they have learned and use them to find a job.
The Aug. 8 job fair is game day. It is our hope that everyone that attends the fair looking for work will leave gainfully employed.