MJ 93-90 brings positivity to the community

Published 3:36 pm Monday, July 29, 2019

Children from all across the Selma-Dallas County area flocked to the Grist-Brown Memorial YMCA of Selma-Dallas County (YMCA) on Saturday afternoon to take part in the MJ 93-90 Foundation’s first Family Fun Day and Back to School Bash celebration.

“I didn’t know what to expect,” said YMCA Community Outreach Liaison Austin Williams. “Miss Effinger [MJ 93-90 Executive Director Yolanda Effinger] told me that they expected a big crowd.”

Effinger’s prediction turned out to be correct. According to YMCA CEO Leonard Speed, over 500 people attended the event based on the number of arm bands that were handed out.

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Williams said that the event was the perfect way to provide the community with a positive space.

“The way Selma’s going right now we just need as much positivity as we can get,” he said. “That’s really what we’re trying to push as much as we can.”

There was no shortage of positivity at the event as families participated in all of the fun and games that filled the grounds of the YMCA Saturday.

A waterslide, bounce house, balloon animals and face painting kept everyone entertained outside while indoors kids picked up free school supplies and played video games and bingo.

Effinger said that the event was thrown as a way for MJ 93-90’s founder, Selma native Michael Johnson, who now plays for the Cincinnati Bengals, to give back to the Selma community.

“Michael loves giving back to Selma,” said Effinger. “Selma is a passion for Michael. He loves kids, he loves Selma and we just wanted to come and bring the families and the community out and bond and have a good time.”